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Teddy is a rescue cat who lost his ears from frostbite. 

Sadly, Teddy's story is not unique. Teddy hopes that his stories will raise awareness to the responsibilities of pet care and ownership, as well as the organizations that saved his life, and thousands of other animals' lives every year.

Teddy did not just lose his ears from the frostbite, his tail is much shorter too. Some of his teeth fell out and he struggles with chronic muscle tissue pain. We respect that due to his injuries, Teddy does not enjoy being touched on parts of his body because it still hurts. With proper care, his frostbitten paw pads have finally healed and he has acclimated nicely to the coastal B.C. weather and love from his new family. Teddy has permanently lost his ability to purr, but I assure you, he is a very happy cat!

Teddy enjoys lots of snuggles and lap time, but there is nothing he enjoys more, than having his little ear nubs rubbed. Teddy is estimated to be seven years old, but is still a very playful kitty. He loves pipe cleaners and laser dots, but his favourite toy to play with is his stuffed mice!


You can help Teddy by finding his hidden toy on every page of his stories!

Keep reading, playing and stay true to yourself!

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